What’s at Stake

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On November 12, 2019, the Supreme Court will begin proceedings to hear oral arguments on the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program and will have until June 2020 to release a final decision, effectively determining the fate of 700,000 DACA recipients. Proceedings for TPS (Temporary Protected Status), a similar program, have already commenced with a final decision from the appeals courts being projected to come out in October 2019. This case will determine the futures for the 300,000 people that TPS benefits. Combined, these two court cases will impact the families, futures, and lives of a million undocumented immigrants.

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what are we doing?

To draw national attention to the current jeopardy both DACA and TPS are in, we are marching from the Statue of Liberty (New York) to the Supreme Court (D.C) to defend DACA and TPS

Join us for our Home is Here March, starting at the Statue of Liberty on October 26 and ending in front of the Supreme Court on November 12. On November 12, when Supreme Court justices walk into the Court to begin proceedings on DACA, they will see that the majority of people in this country (83%) support undocumented immigrants and their families. 

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why this matters

Because for 700,000 DACA recipients and 300,000 TPS recipients, home is here, with our families and communities!

We want to show the Supreme Court justices the faces of those who will be impacted by these court cases. We demand that the Supreme Court rule on the right side of history by protecting DACA, and we call on Congress to pass a permanent legislative solution for TPS recipients in this country.

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why we must keep fighting

Furthermore, we know that defending DACA and TPS is only the beginning. After we ensure the safety of DACa and TPS recipients, we must continue organizing towards a vision and solution that grants citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants (i.e. DACA recipients, TPS beneficiaries, undocumented immigrants without protection from deportation, and intercountry adoptees without citizenship) and (include language around humanitarian crisis at the border). We must do this while also recognizing that homemaking on this soil, in the end, belongs to the indigenous nations--they are the true stewards of this land.

#HomeIsHere #AbolishICE #DefendDACA #ProtectTPS #Citizenship4All